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Join date: Sep 16, 2021


Hi name is jenny i have been woekinf in the behavior diled for over 15 years clinically. i decided that i want to fo for my bcba because i have so much to offer the clients and families and use the new skills from the course work to benefit my clients and educate thise around me with tactile approach and some with more of a dorect approach.

it demends on assessing how the families and teachers will be most receptive and unsertand their role in thks their childs life whiich i see as a BIG barrier that i encourage the parents they are the experts with their children and i would also love to hear their feedback becusse it will make them feel part of the treatment plan and goals of thejr son or daighter. as thjs js a team edfort. i just started my firt class about 2 weeks ago and i got an 85. i am extrmely nrebous bout multiple questions. i have to work twice as hard to stidy and have to watch the lextures and do the activities more than once.

i am seeing someone who believes in me as i do in myself. the road to get her was a steuggle as a license behavior speciiasit but im proud of it. other people doibted my ability ehen ssked my ipper managents. i am used to people underestimsating people all my life. i cate bout the clients and love learning new persceptives on biased. i was teaching them. i want to insoire others anyrhing is possible.

thanks. lease contsct me At 6105738904.

I woul like to start with helping with studying or breaking down the terminology because they use examples

on the quizzes.

then i woulf love to talk tk you mkre about it and see if your passionate about helping me pass. as much as i am.

thannk sk much !! jenny


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