NO Child with Autism or Family Should Be Without Services. As a Remote Provider, I Want to Help.
Absolutely NO child with autism or related needs, their families/primary caregivers, should suddenly find themselves without services and...
Thoughts and Safety for Behavioral Service Agencies Open in a Pandemic
I provide online Supervision, clinical support/'telebehavior' and BCBA test prep services and have students/clients who work for service...
Schools Must Re-Open...After Additional and Specific Planning
Schools should reopen as soon as possible after a planning period. Reorganization could start by dividing student into two daily shifts...
Comprehensive Supports and Individualized BCBA Test Prep Tutoring
I am developing - and have started to implement - a model to help individual BCBA test prep students 'relearn' key elements of the Task...
With another BCBA test cycle coming up…..Think About….
Rule governed behavior is connected to…..respondent or operant conditioning? How? Contingency governed behavior is connected...

With another BCBA test cycle coming up…..Think About….
Rule governed behavior is connected to…..respondent or operant conditioning? How? Contingency governed behavior is connected...
BCBA Exam: Know the Language. Understand the Field. Avoid Learning Misrules
If you are not learning the correct language and concepts of Applied Behavior Analysis, you will not be properly prepared either for the...
An Important BCBA Test Prep Rule: Relax and Reorganize...with a Few Other Thoughts
The key to Success in the BCBA exam is not the rote memorization of a zillion flash cards. It is not to compartmentalize the Task List by...
The Added Costs of Inadequate BCBA Supervision
I consider and present BCBA Supervision as I would a graduate course (if a little bit less formal!). Substantive differences include that...
Break the Pattern:​ BCBA Exam Retake Rates and BCBA Test Preparation
Whenever a BCBA or BCBA student tells me they don't know what to do other than autism services, it both saddens and frustrates. And when...